You and your organisation are now expected to make your documents and information accessible for anyone who needs it. Having communication standards and policies will help make this happens. For example, your disabled service users and patients, including those with impairment or sensory loss should easily have and understand the information they’re given and need. And any communication support should be readily available to them.

Our course will help you develop a plan, which delivers these communication requirements. We’ll help you organise a strategy to meet the information and communication needs of your clients, patients or service users (and where appropriate their carers and or parents). We’ll support you in becoming fully competent with your new communication standards set by NHS England.

This day includes:

  • Legal requirements and definitions
  • What an Accessible Information (Minimum) Standards document should include
  • How to effectively ask people if they have any information or communication needs, and find out how to meet their needs
  • How to record needs clearly and in a set way
  • How and when to share, highlight and communicate needs to those that need to know
  • Working Group – Explore what does your organisation already do: How effectively do we do this already, Where is this information recorded, How could efforts be improved, Are we more effective at meeting needs in some service areas than others, Good practice to share across the service/organisation
  • What steps can be taken to make sure that people receive information which they can access and understand, and receive communication support if they need it
  • How to create Accessible Documents
  • How to create Easy Read/ Writing Plain Language Documents

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