As a wheelchair user and assistance dog owner, I understand the anxiety of going somewhere new. Will I be able to get in? Will the customer service be accommodating? Will people help me and my dog? These fears used to stop me from going out independently, causing me to miss out on so much in life.

But it’s not just me, many people face discrimination from businesses unaware of the Equality Act. My Access Scheme is about everyone being able to access and enjoy the world around them.

My Access Scheme’s purpose is to make people aware of the facts, so they can make informed decisions based on their personal needs, not to tell others where to go or not go. Together, let’s work to make accessibility a reality for all.

AIE4ALL C.I.C access scheme is a completely new access scheme that displays accessibility information in different formats to improve its usability and will be available at the entrance of the business, so users can be informed of accessibility and make informed decisions based on their own needs, instead of someone else’s opinion.

Given the digital world we live in, AIE4ALL also has a website which will be linked via a QR code to the signage displayed at the businesses entrance. This will allow for more detailed reviewing – other accessibility needs, not just physical access needs.

The AIE4ALL access scheme consists of 3 elements:

  1. Detailed up-to-date access audits
  2. Opportunity for businesses to improve their accessibility and be recognised for it
  3. Assistance dogs, facilities available and staff training.

The access audits will be detailed, covering all aspects of access such as physical needs, sensory needs, hearing needs and sight needs. I will ensure the audits are dated and repeated 6-monthly, so users can trust the accuracy of the information given, as businesses are a living entity and continually changing.

The AIE4ALL access scheme is the only access scheme to offer businesses the opportunity to improve their accessibility, through either physical changes or vital staff training. It also offers businesses the chance to be recognised for their efforts, which for many businesses is crucial, as why would they financially invest in something with no return?

The AIE4ALL access scheme can deliver three types of training to improve accessibility. This will address needs such as hearing, awareness and assistance dogs. The star rating system used by AIE4ALL access scheme highlights the training that the business has invested in. This is represented by a gold, silver or bronze star, which will be highlighted on the signage above and as a searchable feature on the website so that users can search for businesses that meet these criteria. (Along with being able to search by symbol / facilities so users can ensure their access needs will be met.)

The last element of the AIE4ALL is focusing on assistance dogs. Working alongside Dogs for Good UK we are working towards improvement of facilities available for assistance dogs / their owners, as well as a vital improvement on staff training. So that assistance dog owners can have the quality of life and be as independent as assistance dogs should allow them.

“I have personal experience of the humiliation of being refused entry to a business because I have an assistance dog. Despite explaining this is illegal under the Equality Act and showing evidence of such, they still refused entry.”

I’m shocked how often this happens and it highlights to me the vital need for staff training regarding assistance dogs. Some access schemes use terms such as ‘assistance dog facilities available’ but this is far too vague and doesn’t tell the owner any details. I will provide a detailed statement in my access audit, outlining what facilities are available so dog owners can make informed decisions e.g. where to toilet the dog.


Did you know, over 7000 people in the UK have an assistance dog?

Why should businesses participate?

  • Positive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • To show you are a business / brand with a heart
  • To show you care about customer needs and meeting them


I am currently looking for financial investment to allow me to develop my scheme.

I am crowdfunding at:

You can reach me at: Nikki Stowe                 Website:


This article was written for The Diversity Trust by Nikki Stowe, founder of AIE4ALL C.I.C.


The Diversity Trust offers accessibility and inclusion auditing. Find out more here.